Video of An Afternoon with Brenda and John Romero

Last summer we were lucky to have both John and Brenda Romero to visit Chicago to talk to our community for a special event. We now present the video of the event for those who could not make it. Also don’t forget, if you don’t have time to watch the whole event, here is our great event recap by Nicholas Cassleman

As far as future events go, on July 30th we are hosting a panel discussion about entrepreneurship and starting your own game company. This event has already sold out, but we did just opened up a small amount of extra tickets, so get them while you can!

Then on August 6th we’re having Mike Geig of Unity come to do an instructional training session focused on lighting and baking in Unity 3D.

Stay tuned for other future events, as well as some videos from our previous events.

Helping Those Affected by the Wideload Closure

As you may have heard, local Wideload Games was shuttered as a part of the Disney layoffs.

The community has also pooled together to share links to various opportunities available at companies such as:

Ryan Olsen has organized this information and more into a handy Google Doc, as well.

Additionally, Carrie Fowler is offering general help with resumes, etc. and will gladly connect people with opportunities at EA. Simply email her at

If you are among those affected, please be sure to join our IGDA Chicago Facebookgroup or follow us on Twitter (@IGDAChicago) so you can hear the latest about local events where you can network and find support.

Please reference our local developer list for additional avenues of communication and potential employment opportunities.

If you would like to offer support for those affected or share additional hiring information, please email

VentureBeat Highlights Chicago Indies

The rising glory of Chicago’s indie scene continues to spread. In the recent VentureBeatarticle, “Who needs triple-A? These 10 next-gen indie games look amazing,” Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Young Horses) and Ray’s the Dead (Ragtag) shine for their stunning potential in the next generation of indie releases. After some quick calculations, we can safely extrapolate that Chicago thus represents ~20% of all awesomeness, so keep up the great work everyone!

Read the full article.

Photos from An Afternoon with Brenda and John Romero

Enjoy some photos from our June 29th event, An Afternoon with Brenda and John Romero!

Special thanks to Brett Rubin and Tribeca Flashpoint Academy for taking these pictures.

We’d like to extend our appreciation to John and Brenda for making the drive to visit us here in Chicago, as well as Flashpoint and Casual Connect for providing event space and refreshments.